“And what is liberty, whose very name makes the heart beat faster and shakes the world?”
Frédéric Bastiat
Lubbock Liberty is a collaboration of advocates around the Lubbock, Texas area dedicated to protecting individual Rights and Liberties. Thank YOU for visiting!

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Lubbock Liberty Presents A Debate On Marijuana Policy April 2015

Lubbock Liberty organized an event to ask questions for A Debate on Marijuana Policy.  This informal debate fostered interesting dialogue that was quite ranging.  The featured speakers for this engagement were:
  • Donald R. May MD, FACS, farmer, surgeon, and Political Columnist "Mr. Conservative" 
  • Jake Syma, Communications Director for Hub City NORML (National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws) 

It was held on April 25, 2015 at the Mahon Public Library. After a meet and greet then information exchange, attendees heard from a panel consisting of activists and local leaders Mallory Miller and Ron Wheeler.  The panelists asked questions submitted from the public to the speakers, with a quick break along the way, followed by closing remarks and final information.

"A Debate On Marijuana Policy April 2015"
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Contact us at LubbockLiberty@gmail.com
